Our puppies > Litters > Litter I > Isis Dreamy Lady Teschiro - "Sisi"
Isis Dreamy Lady Teschiro - "Sisi"
Croatian poodle club Junior Champion, Zagreb Junior Winner 2012, Junior BISS, Slovakian Junior Champion, KPaCHP o.s. Club Junior Champion
Austrian Junior Champion, KCHP Junior Champion
Serbian Champion, Hungarian Champion, Champion of Poland, Luxembourgh Champion, Czech Champion, Romanian Champion, Champion of Switzerland, Interchampion - C.I.B., Austrian Champion, Champion of France, KPaCHP Champion of Champions
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(foto, Gallery of Edysek, Edýsek personal page )
Interchampion (C.I.B.), Poland Champion, Czech Champion,
mother: Moonlight Shadow of Regenfield
Sisi's Gallery >>>
Pedigree >>>
Sisi's puppies: Paganiniho symfonie, litter A >>> ,
Paganiniho symfonie, litter B >>> , litter M >>>,
Paganiniho symfonie, litter G >>>
Sisi's dog show results >>>
Extended pedigree >>>
Born 09.11.2011
Wright's coeficient: 0,36 %
Evaluated:29.06. 2013
Heigh/Length: 36,5/38 cm
DNA profile
Patella luxation (PL):0/0
Hips Displazy (HD): A/A
Elbow Displazy (ED): 0/0
Ophtalmology eye exam: Negative 02/17 - 02/18
Eye examination (PRA-OPTIGEN): Carrier B
Von Willebrand dissease, type I (vWD I): N/N (Mutation was not detected)
Osteochondrodysplazia (OC): Homozygous wild type (NORMAL/CLEAR)
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): Homozygous wild type (NORMAL/CLEAR)
Idefix Black Smarty Teschiro - "Idy">>>
Indy Jones Teschiro - "Indy" >>>
Iris Black Magic Teschiro - "Iris" >>>
Itylia Black Teschiro - "Tyli">>>
Izzi Sweety Teschiro - "Izzi" >>>
Owner: Petra Kastlova, kennel Paganiniho symfonie, PetraEster.Kastlova@seznam.cz, Prague, Czech Republic
Co-owner: Terezie&Jan Valcikovi kennel Teschiro, info@teschiro.cz

Sisi, Sisa, Sisifus when she's naughty, and above all, she's a Contact. She loves to lie side by side in body contact, cuddles, humans company. Especially in a bed and at night. Difficult to say whether it's her nature or what she just got used to. In Prague that's how she sleeps every day - or better, night by night.
After the time with us I have to say she's very tender and self-confident, sometimes even zany.
When I mean tender, it's about the daily rituals we were ordered to do: for instance,
the first thing in the morning is to rub Sisi's belly. And only after that to get out of the bed...
Self-confidence is always well apparent at dog shows. This little rascal leaves no doubts who's the star here.
With her typical grace and movement she presents herself in the showring.
Just once she wasn't like that, in a show in french Monlucon. She was in her heating period and to compete
for CACIB title it was too much for her. She just tried to get closer to the girl in front to find out if it was a male or not.
While we're out for a walk, our two girls (I mean Elishka and Lilu), after being twice attacked by bigger dogs here,
try to scare these away preventively. Sisi sees it differently; "I'm not afraid of them, but I'll support my two
mates by my squeaky voice." While she's out with someone alone and meets another dog, she tries to play with him.
Not when she's in a pack. And unlike the rest of our pooches, she's not so trustful towards other people.
Thus she rather barks at people passing by. Saying that, she clearly had enough opportunities to bark a lot.
On the other hand, we explained her and she quickly understood that such approach is not liked nor needed,
and she calmed down. The only thing she doesn't like are people doing nordic walking. But even this we managed in time.
Calling her to us and let the walkers pass by works quite well.
One thing I have to rebuke her for is her (non)sense for orientation. Or better expressed, her forest trips without us.
Once she just headed to woods and met "defense forrestiere". So we got scolded that she's chasing animals,
tired after the winter (although there's was barely a winter this year). The man thought something
about ignorant foreigners and their dogs for sure and me something about strange locals.
Another trick she did was "disappearing". Whenever Lilu runs for a while around, I can be sure she's
gonna find me and return to me. Sisi does not. One beautiful day I was looking for her for three hours,
feeling mad at her and scraed for her, to welcome her back warmly with love. But she didn't come back.
On top, I left my phone at home that day. At the end we called cantonal police and office of cantonal
vet, informing them about lost poodle. In half an hour we got a call back that she's in a refuge.
It had a good end this time.
Although she's still prone to vanish again, we managed to minimize it to satisfactory level.
Because focused dog training is not Petra's main activity (much less than for me),
I gave myself a goal to improve that as well. And I think we did quite well. Sisi learnt very quickly to sit
("asi" - we took the word from french in this case). Equally easily she managed to "lay down", "ask/pray",
"stay" and "come to me". To "give a paw" we managed on half way, as well as sit next to a leg.
Training her sniffing skills was rather easy, via popular "Search!" game (dog snacks and biscuits hidden
on various places and under things in a room). It's interesting that although she likes to
carry toys herself, she never brought us anything upon request ;-).
After more than a month with Sisi I can surely note down - she's a personality with whom is nice to live and share time and just a little bit less nice to share a bed. She becames our sweetheart and another apricot rascal in our pack. :-)