Elizabeth Ginny Teschiro
Middle East European Winner, ÖKV Centennian Winner,
Poland Beauty Champion, Austrian Champion, Czech Champion, KCHP Champion, INTERCHAMPION (C.I.B)
Czech GrandChampion, Luxembourg Champion, Romanian Champion, Champion of Switzerland
Champion of France, Champion of Hungary, Champion of Denmark, Danish Winner 2011
Montenegro Champion, Moldova Champion, Macedonia Champion, Azerbadjan Champion
Champion of Cyprus, Balkan Champion, Mediteranian Champion, Slovakian Champion, Romanian Grand Champion, KCHP Honor Champion,
Czech Veteran Champion, KCHP Veteran Champion, European Veteran Winner 2016, Benelux Veteran Winner
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Elishka´s Gallery >>>
Pedigree >>>
Elishka's dog shows results >>>
father: MultiCH. Sistehood Fatboy Slim
Swedish champion , Norwegian champion , Danish champion,
Finnish champion, Nordic champion, Estonian champion,
International champion,Latvia champion, Baltic winner 2007, Multi BOB & BOS
Obedience - LP1 (obedience diploma in class 1, Qualified for obedience class 2),
Swedish Blood Tracking Champion
mother: Amanda Teschiro
Elishka's puppies: litter H >>> litter K >>>
Siblings: Edgar Allan >>Enrique Caesaris >>
Eldor the Brave >>
Equilibrés Antonius >>
Erik Aprikos >>
Euphorie Engine >>
Wright's coefficient: 0,24 %
Evaulation Result: BROOD FEMALE, retired nowadays
Evaulated: 9.8.2009
Height/Length: 41,5/43,5 cm
(prcd-PRA): OptiGen A (Normal/Clear)
(prcd-PRA): Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, AS CR A (Clear)
Hips displazy (HD):A/A
Elbows displazy (ED):0/0
Patella exam (PL): 0/0
Ophtalmology eye exam: Negative 08/2017 - 08/2018
Von Willebrand dissease, type I (vWD I): N/N (Mutation was not detected)
Owner: Ing. Terezie Valcikova, info@teschiro.cz, Czech Republic, Svaty Jiri

Elishka inherits a lot of things after her mother. To the foreign people she is
reserved for the first time but to her family... She likes helping in the kitchen.
There is always something sweet. She is very intelligent; sometimes I find it too much.
For some dog snack we learned her almost everything. The only one thing she is not able
in this moment is barking at command. Because she barks quite rarely and if; it is usually
on someone foreign dogs.
Se has to inform everyone about them.
Another her favorite activity is catching human legs or socks or big toes.
She does it in cases when one change clothes or we are going out. She helps in her
own way...
And I could not forget at her licking activity. So, in case we are going to go out she is so absolutely happy she has the necessity to say it everyone. So you see happy dog running to you first, she jump to your place and starts to lick you hugely. And very soundly. However for short time she needs to find all people at home and says it to them.
Elishka as right woman is foppish, crazy and loves perfumes. Unfortunately she has
different sense of what she prefers and smells likely, sometimes. Se love to show
herself what is great plus at the dog shows.
And in case she likes it is amazing
feeling to handle her.
In those moments she s such professional she present herself alone.
And when we talk about what she loves; it is wild movement in the countryside walk, it usually takes 1 - 2 hour daily. To see the flying and absolutely happy apricot is amazing. :-)