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Jasper Yves Teschiro - Jazz and his Gallery

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Jazzik at KPaCHP o.s. show

We would like to congratulate Yvonka and Jazzik to the 2nd place in Best male in honor class competition!

Author of the photo is Mr. Stanislav Kolar.

Added 19.03.2016

Jazz is new Champion of Poland

Congratulations to Yvonka and Jazz!

Author of the photo is Misa Votavova.

Added 11.03.2016

Jazzik at home after grooming

Added 29.12.2015

Jazzik fulfilled all conditions to become CMKU Champion

We congratulate Jazzik and his owner!

Added 16.10.2015

Jazzik, in spa and wellness

The owner of the dog spa is MVDr. Fabikova.

Added 01.09.2015

Jazzik, show weekend

Author of the photos is Mr. Kolar. Thank you.

Added 22.07.2015

Jazzik fullfiled all conditions to become C.I.B. - Interchampion

Mutual congratulations to gaining highest title! Author of the photos is Mr. Tomecek. Thank you.

Added 12.07.2015

Jazzik fullfled all conditions to become Czech Grand Champion!

Big congratulation to Jazzik and his owner! Authors of photos are Mrs. Smyckova and Orzelova. Thank you.

Added 23.06.2015

Jazzik in Poland

Added 18.06.2015

Jazzik won BOS in Ceske Budejovice

Added 30.04.2015

Jazzik at Hungarian Dog Shows

Author of the photo is Mrs. Monika Poracka. We congratulate Jazzik such nice show results!

Added 23.04.2015

Jazzik become KCHP Champion

Authorem of the photo is L.Heinrich. We congratulate Jazzik to the title!

Added 15.04.2015

Jazzik at county dog show in Ceske Budejovice

Author of the photos is Ing. Eva Mizerova

Added 11.03.2015

Jazzik at IDS in Nitra

Author of the photos is Mr. L.Heinrich.

Added 05.03.2015

Jazzik at Internation Dog Show in Brno

Author of the photos is Mrs. Eva Mizerova. Thank you.

Added 17.02.2015

Jazzik it new year's show in Nitra

Photos by Petra Bejdova.

Added 18.01.2015

Jazzik is starring in Brno

Authors of the photos are Mrs. Eva Mizerova and Monika Poracka.

Added 08.01.2015

Jazzik in Nitra in front of Eva Mizerova objective lens

Author of the photos are Ing. Eva Mizerova.

Added 18.12.2014

Jazzik v Nitra

Photo came from Jitka Buyens. Thank you!

Added 04.12.2014

Jazzat National Dog show in Brno

Authors of the photos are Ing. Eva Mizerova and Dagmar Francova.

Added 04.11.2014

Jazzik at show in Ceske Budejovice and at home with owners

Author of the photos is Ing. Eva Mizerova.

Added 30.09.2014

Jazzik during Show weekend in Ceske Budejovice

Jazzik at International Dog show on Sunday won last CAC necessary for receiving Czech Champion title. We are sending congratulations!!!

Added 24.09.2014

Jazzik and Fabicek have new orthopedic beds

Added 04.09.2014

Jazzik has new collar

Added 26.08.2014

Jazzik at KCHP specialty and at International dog show

Jazzik won on Saturday his first BOS and on Sunday he also got his first CACIB! Congratulations!!! (photos by Ing. Eva Mizerova)

Added 27.06.2014

Jazz at club show in Kojice

Added 25.5.2014

Jazz and Fabienne's first birthday

Jazz and Fabienna (Fabienne Fantazia Brown) celebrates Fabienne's 1st birthday. All the best from us as well!

Thanks to Yv Kotroušsova for the pictures!
Added 11.5.2014

Jazz at dog show in Libice

Jazz 2nd best red-fawn in the show! Congratulations!
(photo by Ing. Eva Mizerova)

Added 24.2.2014

At dog shows in Brno

Congratulations to great results!
(photo by Ing. Eva Mizerova)

Added 10.1.2014

Jazz on a second place in a Poodle of 2013 of KCHP in his color!

In the final count of KCHP's Poodle of 2013 competition Jazz took second plance among all red-fawn poodles!
Sincere congratulations for such a great achievement
and we wish him and his team a lot of show successes in 2014!