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Our poodles > Freya Paganiniho symfonie (Freya)

Freya Paganiniho symfonie (Freya)

Czech Junior Champion, Czech champion, C.I.B. (Interchampion), Slovakian Champion, Serbian Champion

father: C.I.B. MultiCh. MAXIMUS MON L'AMI (foto)
mother: Pinbarks JP Paganiniho symfonie AI

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Freya's puppies:  litter L (Paganiniho symfonie kennel),  litter P (Paganiniho symfonie kennel)

Medium fawn female, born 07.02.2019

Wright's coefficient: 0 %

Evaluated: 01.08. 2020
Evaulation Result: Brood female
Height/Length: 34,5/37 cm

DNA profile
Hips displasy (HD): A
Elbows displasy (ED): 0/0
Patella exam (PL): 0/0
Ophtalmology eye exam: clear valid 06/2020 - 06/2021
Von Willebrandova disease, type I (vWD I): N/N (Clear)
prcd-PRA: N/N (Clear)
Degenerative Myelopathy: N/N (Clear)
Neonatal Encefalopathy: N/N (Clear)
rcd4-PRA: N/N (Clear)

Owner: Petra Kastlova, kennel Paganiniho symfonie, PetraEster.Kastlova@seznam.cz, Svaty Mikulas, Czech Republic