Judge: Eva Grahn (SVE)
Nice puppy of good type, Nice head and eyecolor. Good topline and angulation.
Excellent movement, happy and showy temprament, nice presentation.
3rd best miniature puppy
Eva Grahn
Vännäs (unofficial dog show)
BIR Valp/Best Puppy in Race 2nd in Group final critique
Judge: Kerstin Lööf
Beatiful bitch with enough foreface and neck. Wonderful eyes. A bit light in nose
pigmentation. Enough body. Nicely angulated wich shows in her movements.
Good drive.
BIR Valp/Best Puppy in Race, 2nd in Group final
Judge: Birgitta Bodén (SVE)
Feminim bitch of good size. Excellent head with an awake expression.
Good body and neck. Correct depth of ribcage. Nice bonestructure. Nice angulation.
Moves in a pleasant way. Excellent coat.
BIR Valp/Best Puppy in Race
Judge: Nina Karlsdotter (SVE)
Nicely shaped head with good outlines. Dark Eyes, Good ears, short neck.
Good topline and tail, good body for her age, suitable bone structure, shoulder a
bit pushed forward. Correctly angulated, nice movements from the side, a bit to narrow
from behind and loose in front. Nice puppy coat, Nicely shown!
BIR Valp/Best Puppy in Race