Edgar Allan Teschiro - dog show results and titles

Junior Champion of KCHP
Puppy Champion of KPaCHP o.s
Puppy Champion of KCHP
Czech JuniorChampion
Slovakian JuniorChampion
Austria JuniorChampion
Croatian JuniorChampion

Champion of Poland
Czech Champion
Slovakia Beauty Champion
Croatian Champion
Grand Champion of Slovakia
KCHP Club Champion
KPaCHP o.s. Club Champion
Austria Beauty Champion
Czech GrandChampion
KCHP Champion of champions
KPaCHP o.s. Champion of Champions
KPaCHP o.s. Honor Champion

Date Dog Show Result Judge
08.09.2019 National Dog Show Floracanis,
Exc.1, BOV, BOB Petra Pliskova Ulrichova (CZ)
18.02.2013 KCHP club specialty,
V1, CCS, Best honor male of show L. Farkasovsky (CZ)
24.11.2012 KCHP club specialty,
V1, CKS, CAC, Club winner 2012 Linda Barker (GB)
17.06.2012 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty,
V1, MKCH, 2nd Best male honor class Bela Deres (CH)
16.06.2012 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty,
V1, MKCH, Best male honor class Tatiana Tyagunova-Deres (RU)
26.11.2011 KCHP club specialty,
Excellent 1, CAC, CSS, Jubilee winner J.F. Vanaken (B)
16.07.2011 KCHP club specialty,
Best male of Honor class Z. Jilkova (CZ)
10.07.2011 World Dog Show 2011,
Paris (Francie)
Excellent 3 in Open class N. Deschuymere (B)
27.06.2011 KCHP club specialty,
V4 in honour class T. Taulos (FI)
04.06.2011 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty,
V1, MKCH, 1st honor male of the show S. Wheeler (SE)
28.05.2011 KCHP club specialty,
2nd best honour male of the show B. Nodali (I)
23.04.2011 KPaCHPo.s. club specialty,
Ceske Budejovice
V1, MKCH, 2nd honor male Judgement A. Rudolph (D)
09.04.2011 KCHP club specialty,
2nd best honour male of the show Petr Rehanek (CZ)
19.03.2011 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty,
V1,, CHKCH Anette Arnold (DE)
08.01.2011 KCHP club specialty,
V1,, CSS 2nd best medium size male of show Dr. Miroslav Gunis (SK)
12.12.2010 International dog show, Kassel,
Exc. 1,, CAC VDH, CAC DPK, CACIB, BOS N. Klirova (CZ)
12.12.2010 National dog show, Kassel,
Exc. 1,, CAC VDH, BOB Ch. Simon (D)
13.11.2010 Anniversary club dog show of KCHP,
Exc. 1,, CAC, CSS Lisbeth Mach (CH)
23.10.2010 KCHP o.s. club specialty,
Exc. 1,, CHKCH, CAC, Club Winner, 3rd best medium size male D. Risdan (SLO)
17.10.2010 International dog show Lausanne, Switzerland Ecx. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Ute Eberhard (D)
16.10.2010 International dog show Lausanne, Switzerland Ecx. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Bela Deres (CH)
10.10.2010 International dog show Ceske Budejovice Ecx. 1, CAC, r.CACIB Lorena Merati (IT)
09.10.2010 KCHP Club specialty Dubne V1, CSS Judgement Lorena Merati (IT)
26.09.2010 International dog show Tulln, Austria Ecx. 1, CACA, Bundessieger 2010, CACIB, BOB Elfriede Heidecker (AT)
08.08.2010 Club Dog Show KCHP
V1, CSS, Best miniature male of show Christa Simon (D)
25.07.2010 International Dog Show Split, Croatia Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB (after IntCh.) Frank T. Sabella (USA)
24.07.2010 National Dog Show Split, Croatia Exc.1 Jasna Matejčič (HR)
23.07.2010 National Dog Show Split, Croatia Exc.2, r.CAC Francesco Cochetti (I)
22.07.2010 International Dog Show, Croatia Exc.2, r.CAC Rafael Malo Alcrudo (E)
20.06.2010 International dog show Brno Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Andreas Schemel (AUS)
19.06.2010 KCHP club dog show, Brno 2nd place in honor class Linda Voláriková (SK)
04.06.2010 National Dog Show Senec, Slovakia V1, CAC, BOB Edita Kralova (SK)
22.05.2010 KPaCHP o.s. Club specialty, Konopiste V1, KCH, CAC, 2nd best miniature male of show Zuzana Vetvinska Vrsecka (CZ)
16.05.2010 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovenien V1, CAC, r.CACIB (after Interchampion) Stefan Sinko (SL)
15.05.2010 International Dog Show Bratislava, Slovenien V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Cruft's qualification 2011 Harry Wella (MT)
02.05.2010 International Dog Show Zadar, Croatia V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Wall June (IRL)
01.05.2010 International Dog Show Zadar, Croatia V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Jilkova Zuzana (CZ)
11.04.2010 International Dog Show Wieselburg, Austria V1, CACA, r.CACIB Radvánszky Katalin (HU)
13.03.2010 KPaCHP o.s. Poodle Specialty Prague V1CHKCH, CAC, Winner of poodle Specialty 2010 Iuza Beradze (Gruzie)
23.01.2010 Slovakia Beauty Champion Diploma
23.01.2010 International Dog Show Trencin V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB DR. Miroslav Guniš (SK)
10.01.2010 Czech Champion Diploma
10.01.2010 National Dog Show Olomouc V1, CAC, National Winner, BOB Bertold Peterburs (DE)
09.01.2010 Poodle club specialty, Brno V1, CKS, Best minuature male of show Tatana Novotna (CZ)
31.12.2009 Champion of Poland Diploma
06.12.2009 International Dog Show Wels - Austria V1, CACA, r.CACIB (after Interchampion) Poduschka-Aigner Phyllis (A)
05.12.2009 International Dog Show Wels - Austria V1, CACA Dr.Gertraude Kronik (A)
28.11.2009 KPaCHP o.s. poodle specialty Prague V1, CKS, CAC, Club Winner, 2nd best miniature male of show Melanie Harwood (England)
22.11.2009 ZAGREB - International Dog Show V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Renee Sporre Willes (S)
21.11.2009 ZAGREB - International Dog Show V1 Goran Bodegard (S)
08.11.2009 International Dog Show Prague V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Judgement Ute Eberhard (D)
07.11.2009 Club Dog Show KCHP - Prague V1, CSK Judgement Ute Eberhard (D)
25.10.2009 International Dog Show Ceske Budejovice V1, CAC Judgement Dr. Željko Gajič (Slovenien)
24.10.2009 Club Dog Show KCHP - Jankov near Ceske Budejovice V1, CSK Judgement Dr. Željko Gajič (Slovenien)
18.10.2009 National Dog Show in Brno V1, CAC Renau Carlos Fernandez (E)
04.10.2009 KW Rybnik-Kamien - National Dog Show V1, CWC, Best male in Race, BOB Krystyna Nowak (PL)
20.9.2009 Club Dog Show KCHP - Trebechovice V1, CSK, Best medium size male of the show Judgement Beata Matlawska (PL)
19.9.2009 Club Dog Show KPaCHP o.s. Konopiste V1, KCH, Best medium size male of the show Judgement Dr. Andreas Schemel (AT)
12.9.2009 Nationale Austellung Leipzig- National Dog Show V1, CAC SIEGFRIED PETER (D)
11.9.2009 14. Internationale Austellung Leipzig - International Dog Show V1, CAC, r.CACIB ROSEMARIE SCHULZ (D)
12.9.2009 International Dog Show Mladá Boleslav V1, CAC, r.CACIB Anatolij Zhuk, (BLR)
29.8.2009 KCHP Club Doh speciality, Prague V1, CKS Anatolij Zhuk (BLR)
25.7.2009 2nd County Dog Show Brno-Zebetin V1, Class winner, County Winner Judgement Petr Rehanek (CZ)
19.7.2009 International Dog Show Oberwart (Austria) V1, CACA, Res. CACIB Kurt Summer (A)
12.7.2009 National Dog Show, CAC Kosice-Barca (SK) V1,CAC, National Winner, BOB Judgement Dankova (SK)
5.7.2009 National Dog Show Bielsko-Biala, Ustroń (Poland) V1,CWC, Best male in rase, BOS Jakub Kruczek (PL)
28.06.2009 International Dog Show Intercanis Brno Exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB critique Luis Pinto Teixeira (PRT)
27.06.2009 Brno - Club dog show of KCHP Exc.1, ČKŠ, Best miniature male, Best apricot of the show critique Pet Richard (GRC)
20.06.2009 Kolesa - Club Dog Show of KCHP V1, CAC, ČKŠ, Best apricot in show Critique Dianne Degryze (BEL)
06.06.2009 SKCHP V1 Leehy Packer (Izrael)
05.06.2009 Senec - State Dog Show V1, CAC Miroslav Guniš (SK)
16.05.2009 Konopiste - KPaCHP o.s. Club Dog Show V1, KCH, 4th best miniature male in all colours Judgement Zuzana Vetvinska - Vrsecka (CZ)
10.05.2009 Bratislava - International Dog Show V1 Judgement Ing. Alena Kostalova (CZ)
9.05.2009 Bratislava - International Dog Show V1, CAC, r.CACIB Judgement Edita Kralova (SK)
2.05.2009 Tymakov - KCHP Club Dog Show V1, CAC Judgement Javier Blanco (E)
05.04.2009 Ceske Budejovice -International Dog Show V1, CAC Judgement Susanne Kuratko (A)
04.04.2009 Ceske Budejovice - KPaCHP o.s. Club Dog Show V1, KCH, Best Miniature male of show, 2nd Best male of show Judgement Susanne Kuratko (A)
05.04.2009 Ostrava-National Dog Show V1,CAC, National Winner, BOB Judgement Dr.Agnes Kertes Ganami (IL)
04.04.2009 Ostrava-KPaCHP o.s. Club Dog Show V1, CAC, 2nd best miniature poodle Judgement Dr.Agnes Kertes Ganami (IL)
22.03.2009 Katowice - International Dog Show V1, CWC Opara Krystyna (PL)
18.03.2009 Slovakian JuniorChampion Diploma
11.03.2009 Croatian JuniorChampion Diploma
01.03.2009 Zagreb- International Dog Show V1, PRM-Prvak Razreda Mladih, Junior BOB- Najlepši mladi pas pasmine, BOB-Prvak pasmine. Jasminka Knežević (HR)
08.02.2009 DUO CACIB Brno-International Dog Show V1, r.CAC Judgement Ing. Nada Klirova (CZ)
07.02.2009 DUO CACIB Brno-International Dog Show V1, CAC Judgement Dr. T. Jakkel (Hu)
28.01.2009 Austrian JuniorChampion Diploma
24.1.2009 Trencin-International Dog Show V1, CAJC Judgement Ing. Lucia Sladekova (SK)
11.1.2009 Innsbruck-International Dog Show V1, CACA, r.CACIB Judgement Dr. Otto Schimpf (A)
10.1.2009 Innsbruck-National Dog Show V1, CACA Judgement Susanne Kuratko (A)
7.12.2008 Wels- International Dog Show V1, Jugendbester Hans W. Müler (SCH)
6.12.2008 Wels- International Dog Show V1, Jugendbester Gerda Bolter (A)
30.11.2008 Zagreb- International Dog Show V2 Sylvie Desserne (F)
29.11.2008 Zagreb- International Dog Show V2 Laurent Pichard (CH)
15.11.2008 Special Poodle Club Show Hagibor V1, CAJC, CMS, Best Junior miniature male Judgement Tatana Novotna (CZ)
2.11.2008 NITRACANIS - International Dog Show Nitra V1 Linda Voláriková (SK)
1.11.2008 Special Poodle Club Show Nitra V1, CAJC, JuniorWinner Judgement Csilla Aradi (HU)
23.10.2008 Czech JuniorChampion Diploma
19.10.2008 National Dog Show Brno V1, CAJC Judgement Sladekova Lucia, Ing (SK)
28.9.2008 Internationalen Bundessiegerausstellung- Tulln V1, JB,
narrow choice of young dogs of IX. FCI group
Dr.Gertraude Kronik
31.8.2008 International Dog Show Mlada Boleslav V1 Judgement Valerio Nataletti (I)
23.8.2008 7th Brno County Dog Show V1
Junior class winner Judgement
Karel Horak (CZ)
17.8.2008 International Dog Show Bratislava- Duodanube V1
Sladekova Lucia (SK)
16.8.2008 International Dog Show Bratislava- Duodanube V1
CAJC Judgement
Edita Kralova (SK)
27.6.2008 International Dog Show Split V1 Tino Pehar (HR)
26.6.2008 National Dog Show Split VD Nataša Blanuša (HR)
25.6.2008 International Dog Show Split V1, PRM- Prvak Razreda Mladih- Best Junior,Junior BOB, BOB Mile Aleksoski (Makedonie)
24.6.2008 National Dog Show Split V1, PRM- Prvak Razreda Mladih- Best Junior,Junior BOB, BOB Ramon Podesta (Chile)
4.7.2008 Junior Champion Diploma KCHP
29.6.2008 International Dog Show Brno V2 Judgement Gyula Sárközy (H)
28.6.2008 Club Dog Show Brno V1
CMS Judgement
Gyula Sárközy (H)
27.6.2008 Puppy Champion KPaCHP o.s.
15.6.2008 Club Dog Show Kolesa V1
Best young miniature male
Ing. Naďa Klírová (CZ)
14.6.2008 Club Dog Show Kolesa V1
Bruno Nodalli (I)
8.6.2008 International Dog Show Nitra (SK) VN1
narrow choise to Best Baby of day Judgement
Laurent Pichard (CH)
24.5.2008 Poodle Club Dog show Kacina VN1, CDS
2nd Best apricot male
2nd Best Puppy Male Judgement
Ing. Jan Drabek (CZ)
1.5.2008 Puppy Champion Diploma KCHP
13.4.2008 National Dog show Ostrava VN1
Adam Ostrowski (PL)
12.4.2008 Club Dog Show KPaCHP Ostrava VN1, DKCH
Adam Ostrowski (PL)
22.3.2008 Club Dog Show of KCHP, Tymakov VN1, ČDŠ
(Very Promising 1,  Puppy champion candidate ) judgement
Ing. Alena Košťálová (CZ)
9.2.2008 Club Dog Show of KCHP, Modrice VN1 (Very Promising 1) judgement Opara Kristyna (PL)