Anubis Midnight Lady Paganiniho symfonie - dog show, sport results and titles

KCHP Puppy Champion
Romanian Junior Champion
Junior World Winner 2015
Czech Juniorchampion
KCHP Junior Champion
KPaCHP Puppy Champion

Czech Champion
French Champion
Czech GrandChampion
KCHP Champion
Vice European Winner #16
Champion of Switzerland
Austrian Champion
Slovakian Champion
C.I.B. (InterChampion)
Romanian Champion
KPaCHP Champion
KPaCHP Champion of Champions
European Winner 2019

NW-DZ (Nosework Discrimination Trial - elementary level)
NW-NZ (Nosework Nature Trial - elementary level)
NW-WZ (nosework Water elementary trial)
NW-UZ (nosework Urban elementary trial)
Master of Nosework Z(elementary level)
Coursing Master of Czech Republic 2019
Coursing Winner 2019

Date Dog Show Result Judge
16.08.2020 Bohemia Coursing Masterschip
3rd place poodles female
21.10.2019 Final Wind Cup coursing
1st place poodle females, Coursing Master of Czech Republic 2019
10.08.2019 Holiday Wind Cup coursing
3rd place, poodles females
03.08.2019 Acana Cup coursing
1st place, poodles females
15.06.2019 European Dog Show
Wels - Austria
Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, European Winner 2019 Lisbeth Mach (CH)
09.06.2019 European Coursing for non-sighthounds
Brzotin, Slovakia
4th place, group poodle (out of 6)
25.05.2019 Summer Wind Cup coursing
Ranch Dale
2nd place poodle mix
19.05.2019 StrongBull
Nemcice - Vigvam
1st place, poodles - females
11.05.2019 Open Coursing
Velka Dobra
3rd place, poodles mix
05.05.2019 All Breed Speedmaster
4th place, poodles
13.04.2019 Moravian Championship - coursing
2nd place, poodle mix
23.03.2019 Bullmaster -
Chlumec nad Cidlinou
3rd place, Other breeds under 45 cm
17.03.2019 KPaCHP club specialty
Prague - Stodulky
Exc.1, MKCH, Best female of Honor class Cindy Pettersson (SE)
16.12.2018 KPaCHP Champion of champions Diploma
16.12.2018 KPaCHP Champion Diploma
16.12.2018 KPaCHP Puppy Champion Diplom
16.12.2018 KPaCHP club specialty
Exc.1, MKCH, 2nd Best Honor female Alena Kostalova (CZ)
13.05.2018 Coursing race -
Velká cena Solnice
(mix poodles) - 3rd place
30.03.2018 Club racing competiton
M size - 3rd place
17.02.2018 KCHP club specialty
Exc.1, CSS, Best fawn female of show Zdena Jilkova (CZ)
30.10.2017 Nosework exam
NW-UZ Júlia Bukovinská
28.09.2017 Club racing
3rd place, individuals
15.09.2017 Nosework exam
NW-WZ Júlia Bukovinská
10.09.2017 Romanian Champion Diploma
10.09.2017 Transylvania Dog Show CACIB
Targu Mures (Romania)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS Magdas Julia (RO)
10.09.2017 National Dog Show
Targu Mures (Romania)
Exc.1, CAC, BOS Robero Velez Pico (PR)
10.09.2017 Transylvania CAC
Targu Mures (Romania)
Exc.1, CAC, BOS Alin Dumitrescu (RO)
27.07.2017 Nosework exam
NW-NZ Klara Hlubocka
02.07.2017 Nosework exam
NW-DZ Kristyna Dostalkova
12.05.2017 C.I.B. (Interchampion) Diploma
04.05.2017 Slovakian Champion Diploma
03.04.2017 Champion of Austria Diploma
12.03.2017 KPaCHP o.s. club show
Exc.1, MKCH, 2nd Best Honor Female in Show Liane Kubbe (DE)
05.03.2017 International Dog Show
Graz (Austria)
Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOS Andrea Ernst (DE)
04.03.2017 OCP club specialty
Graz (Austria)
Exc.1, CACA, BOS Tomas Kucera (CZ)
15.01.2017 International Dog Show
Nitra (Slovakia)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS Oleg Fintora (SK)
14.01.2017 International Dog Show
Nitra (Slovakia)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Edita Kralova (SK)
07.01.2017 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
Exc.1, CHKCH, 2nd best medium female Alena Kostalova (CZ)
18.12.2016 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
exc.1, CHKCH, Best medium size female, 4th Best female of show Petra Ulrichova Pliskova (CZ)
10.12.2016 4th club counted racing
3rd Place M-Group
20.11.2016 Internatinal Dog show
Geneva (Switzerland)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Elisabeth Feuz (CH)
19.11.2016 Internatinal Dog show
Geneva (Switzerland)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Alpensieger, BOB Tatjana Urek (SI)
18.11.2016 Champion of Switzerland Diploma
18.11.2016 Internatinal Dog show
Geneva (Switzerland)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Colette Muldoon (IR)
13.11.2016 KPaCHP cub specialty
Exc.1, CHKCH, Best medium female of show, 2nd Fest female of show Petra Kucerova (CZ)
30.10.2016 Internatinal Dog show
Exc.1, CAC, r. CACIB Istvan Csik (DE)
29.10.2016 Internatinal Dog show
Exc.1, CAC, r. CACIB Galina Zhuk (BLR)
28.09.2016 Racing - Open Days
2nd Place Solo Runners - Newcommers
17.09.2016 Club Counted Racing
3rd Place Solo Runners - Newcommers
11.09.2016 Internatinal Dog show
San Marino
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Mularoni L. (SMR)
10.09.2016 National Dog Show
San Marino
Exc.1, CAC, BOB Pollinger G. (AT)
04.09.2016 KPaCHP club specialty
Exc.2, r.CAC Renata Smyckova (CZ)
27.08.2016 European Dog Show
Brussel (Belgium)
Exc.1, r.CAC, r.CACIB (Vice European Winner 2016) Khomasurindze Revaz (RU)
14.08.2016 International Dog Show
Mlada Boleslav
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB Ovesna Jaroslava, Doc. RNDr., CSc. (CZ)
13.08.2016 KCHP club specialty
Exc.1, CCS Stefan Dimitrijevic (RS)
06.08.2016 Pudl klub club specialty
Exc.1, CAC, KCH Antonin Mudra (CZ)
25.07.2016 KCHP Champion Diploma
11.07.2016 Czech Grand Champion Diploma
10.07.2016 International Dog show Warszawa (Poland) Exc.1, CWC, Best female, BOS K. Opara (PL)
03.07.2016 PZV club specialty
Neresheim-Stetten (Germany)
Exc.1, CAC PZV, CAC VDH, Ostalbsiegerin, BOB, BISS#2 Iris Urschitz (AT)
01.07.2016 French Champion Diploma
18.06.2016 KCHP club specialty
Exc.1, CKS, CAC, Club Winner, BOS, Best fawn female of show Shalata Simkina Ilana (UK)
12.06.2016 National dog Show
Exc.1, CAC Zuzana Vetvinska Vrsecka (CZ)
11.06.2016 KCHP club specialty
Plzen - Zruc/Senec
Exc.1, CKS, Best fawn female of show Zuzana Brotankova (CZ)
04.06.2016 Championat de France
Metz (France)
Exc.1, CACS, r.CACIB Jauffret Alix (FR)
16.05.2016 International Dog show
Saarbrücken (Germany)
Exc.1, CAC, CAC VHD, BOS Christine Rossier (CH)
15.05.2016 International Dog show
Saarbrücken (Germany)
Exc.1, CAC, CAC VDH, Saarlandsieger 2016, CACIB, BOS Kay Smulczynski (DE)
01.05.2016 International Dog show
Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB Nils-Arne Törnlöv (SE)
30.04.2016 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
Praha, Svornost
Exc.1, CAC, CHKCH, Club Winner, Best medium female of show, 4th Best female of show Anna Törnlöv (SE)
20.3.2016 National Elevage
Montluçon (France)
Exc. 1, CACS, CACIB, BOS Georg Walther (DE)
15.03.2015 Czech Champion Diploma
13.03.2016 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
Prague, Stodulky
Exc.1, CAC, CHKCH, 3rd Best Medium size Female Petroula Richard (GR)
06.03.2016 VDP club specialty
Lauta (Germany)
Exc.1, CAC-VDP, CAC-VDH Rainer Jacobs (DE)
27.02.2016 KCHP club specialty
Libice nad Cidlinou
Exc.1, CKS Tomas Kucera (CZ)
21.02.2016 FEHOVA International Dog Show
Budapest (Hungary)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Agnes Ganami Kertes (IL)
20.02.2016 Hungarian Poodle club Specialty
Budapest (Hungary)
Exc.1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB Korozs Andras (HU)
20.02.2016 FEHOVA International Dog Show
Budapest (Hungary)
Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB Rainer Jacobs (D)
17.01.2016 Winter International Dog Show
Nitra (Slovakia)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB G. Ridarcikova (SK)
16.01.2016 New Year's International Dog Show
Nitra (Slovakia)
Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB M. Gunis (SK)
09.01.2016 KPaCHP o.s. New Years club specialty
Exc.1, KCH, 3rd Medium size female Olga Dolejsova (CZ)
13.12.2015 KPaCHP o.s. Advent club specialty
Exc.1, KCH, 3rd Best Medium size female Alena Kostalova (CZ)
06.12.2015 International Dog Show
Wels (Austria)
Exc.1, CACA Kalinichenko Galina (UKR)
05.12.2015 International Dog Show
Wels (Austria)
Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB Yolanda Nagler (ISR)
22.11.2015 International Dog Show
Geneve (Switzerland)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Boris Chapiro (FR)
21.11.2015 International Dog Show
Geneve (Switzerland)
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB Jaussi Yvonne (CH)
08.11.2015 International Dog Show
Poznan (Poland)
Exc.1, CWC, CACIB, BOB Anatoli Zhuk (BLR)
07.11.2015 International Dog Show
Poznan (Poland)
Exc.1, CWC, CACIB, BOB Gabriela Ridarcikova (SK)
01.11.2015 International Dog Show
Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB Anna Rogowská (PL)
31.10.2015 International Dog Show
Exc.1, CAC Rafal First (PL)
18.10.2015 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
Praha, Svornost
Exc.1, KCH, Best Medium female of show, 3rd best female of show Renata Smyckova (CZ)
17.10.2015 Pudl klub club specialty
Exc.1, CAC, KCH, Club Winner, BOS Sabina Chiesa Folbrecht (A/BG)
11.10.2015 International Dog Show
Ceske Budejovice
Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB Carmen Fischer (DE)
10.10.2015 KCHP club specialty
Ceske Budejovice
Exc.1, CKS Carmen Fischer (DE)
26.09.2015 Club specialty Schweizerischer pudelklub
Münsingen (Switzerland)
Exc.1, CAC, BOB, BISS#6 Ute Wellhöfer (DE)
20.09.2015 International Dog Show
Besancon (France)
Exc.1, CACS, CACIB Petroula Effrossyni Richard Douma (FR)
06.09.2015 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
Exc. 1, CAC, KCH, 2nd medium female of show, 3rd fawn poodle of show Lene Kildeborg Jakobsen (DK)
30.08.2015 International Dog Show
Mlada Boleslav
Exc. 1, CAC, CAC CMKU, CACIB, BOS Bozena Ovesna (CZ)
29.08.2015 KCHP club specialty
Exc. 1, , CMS, CAJC, Junior Club Winner, Best Junior fawn female of show, 2nd Junior female of show Gabriela Ridarcikova (CZ)
18.08.2015 Czech Junior Champion Diploma
04.08.2015 KCHP Junior Champion Diploma
28.06.2015 International Dog Show
Exc. 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB Claudio de Giuliani (I)
20.06.2015 KCHP club specialty
Exc. 1, CMS, Best Junior fauve female, 2nd Best Junior Female of show Ute Eberhard (DE)
14.06.2015 World Dog Show
Milano (Italy)
Exc. 1, Class Winner, Junior World Winner 2015 David Ojalvo (AR)
30.05.2015 Pudl klub club specialty
Exc.1, CAJC, CCHMl., BOJ, BOB, Best fawn of show Hana Ahrens (AT)
03.05.2015 International Dog Show
Exc. 2 Zuzana Vrsecka (CZ)
02.05.2015 KPaCHP Club specialty
Exc. 2 Wolfgang Schneider (DE)
26.04.2015 Romanian Junior Champion Diploma
26.04.2015 International Dog Show
Satu Mare (Romania)
Exc. 1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB Slobodan Nasteski (MK)
25.04.2015 International Dog Show
Satu Mare (Romania)
Exc. 1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB Stelios Makaritis (GR)
25.04.2015 National Dog Show
Satu Mare (Romania)
Exc. 1, JCAC, BOJ Christian Stefanescu (RO)
18.04.2015 KCHP club specialty
Exc. 1, CMS, Best Junior Fawn female, Best Junior female of show Kay Smulczynski (DE)
15.03.2015 KPaCHP o.s. club specialty
Prague, Stodulky
Exc. 1, JKCH, CAJC Istvan Csik (DE)
28.02.2015 KCHP Club specialty
Exc. 1, CMS, Best junior fauve fenale, Best Junior female of the show Alena Kostalova (CZ)
14.12.2014 KCHP Puppy Champion Diploma
02.11.2014 International Dog show
Very Promising 1 Tamara Sarmont (BLR)
26.10.2014 European Dog Show
Very Promising 1, European Promise 2014 Otto Krcal (AT)
24.10.2014 KCHP&KPaCHP poodle specialty
Very Promising 1, DKCH Javier Blanco (ES)
20.09.2014 KCHP club specialty
Ceske Budejovice
Very Promising 1, Best baby female of the show Sanda Kekez Veselic (HR)